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  • Morgane Roos-Carreira

How to become a minimalist in 7 steps

Updated: Apr 3, 2019

An uncluttered life and less distraction will allow you to take control of your life, reduce stress and be more organised which will boost your productivity. Of course, each person is different and have different needs and goals, so you’ll have to find what works for you to find happiness, mental clarity, peace and set your priorities straight. Websites like The Minimalists and The Tiny Life are very useful in their advice on the process and the benefits in becoming a minimalists.

1- Why you want to do this? It is easy to understand the process of getting rid of stuff, but it is more valuable to have your mind in the right place if you want to carry on with this lifestyle. Joshua Fields Millburn who is part of The Minimalists wrote: "Ask yourself: How might my life be better with less? Those answers are far more powerful than decluttering alone."

2- Organise and Declutter! KonMari method is a great way to learn about how we should organise what we own and how to reduce the number of items we own. What goes in the kitchen shouldn’t be in the bedroom and vice-versa. For example, if you start with your clothes, you will see that you have some pieces that you shouldn’t keep.

3- Use it or lose it. Sometimes we hang onto things that we don’t really use. It is stored at the back of a cupboard for no one to see and no one to remember.

There is no need to hold onto the cashmere scarf you accidentally ruined by putting it in the wash. Or the pair of trainers you last wore 10 years ago on a trip to Peru with your ex.

4- Sell it or donate it! Once you know what to keep and what to get rid of, you can make two piles. One for what you won’t be able to sell and another one for the best pieces you will be able to money from.

5- Bring in less. Only try to buy what you need and makes sure you don’t already have it (that’s how uncluttering is useful…you know what you own!)

Try to remove one item of clothing when you bring a new one in your wardrobe. And do the same for other rooms. Do you really need another coffee cup?

6- Meal preps! Having less clutter in your kitchen will make you enjoy cooking more. You’ll find your way around and won’t waste time looking for the mixer for 10 minutes. Coming home and prepare fresh meals won’t be a chore anymore.

Meal prepping will make you save money on lunch breaks at work and it will be healthier than the meal-deal from M&S.

7- Save money! Without knowing it you will save money. By not spending on anything and nothing, you will realise that your bank account is much fuller. Amanda from The Tiny Life wrote: "By spending money on only necessities, you’ll end up accidentally saving loads of money."

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